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Don't miss out when we host another installment of our own Radio Show: Showcasing the best music of the scene. This is Sound Of The Scene. #SOTS
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#SOTS - Sound Of The Scene 22 | Novatone Orbit 10 Special 🌌
After what feels like ages, we finally return with our Show Of The Scene hahah
And for this installment of SOTS we teamed up with the guys over at Novatone to bring you a special. Their community full of talented producers reached its 10th album of their Orbit series. So I collected a bunch of the remixes on that album and gave it a spin. Get ready for the real underground sound. Experimental, interesting and hard hitting.
And for this installment of SOTS we teamed up with the guys over at Novatone to bring you a special. Their community full of talented producers reached its 10th album of their Orbit series. So I collected a bunch of the remixes on that album and gave it a spin. Get ready for the real underground sound. Experimental, interesting and hard hitting.